Setting Goals

             Setting goals is a good way to shorten and simplify the course of our efforts , so I list ten valuable ways for setting goals .

  1. Understand myself as much as possible

First , understanding myself is a necessary step for choosing goals , I am the most familiar person to myself ,so I know my strength and weakness as well as dream and hobby. I need to use these characteristic to finish setting goals . For me , my advantage is science department , and I had a clear plan for my future when I was very young so that I can do plan earlier . My disadvantage is communication because I am a little shy so that I will not choose a job like salesperson in the future.

“understand myself”的图片搜索结果

  • 2 Consider a perfect future

Thinking and describing a beautiful picture for the future will help me a lot because I am a girl who loves fantasy , imagining I travelling around the world will not only give me motivation to work hard for it but also give me a explicit dream , this will help me to setting objective .

“travel around the world”的图片搜索结果

  • 3 Choose a person who I admire

Idol is force who can make us stronger , although family and friends can also give us encouragement , it is different with idol , a great idol can be the reference of setting goals and give us a direction of effort . For me , my idol is Lin Huiyin , an architect , who is famous for her grace and contribution , I admire because her insistence on architecture , even though I can not be as successful as her , I also want me to have the same character like her .


  • 4 Know my motivation

Everyone must have their motivation may be someone or something we are willing to work for , it can be family , success or money . There is no doubt that my parents is my biggest motivation in my life . When I have not have a clear goal for the future , my aim was not let my parents disappeared , despite of the fact that I grow up , my parents thinking is also very important for me , but I am lucky that my parents are proud of me .

  • 5 Have a good plan

Making plans can make our goals become specific , if we can list things that we have to do and we want to do everyday , we can be ready for that and achieve that step by step . I prefer to making plans to not before my exam or holiday , I enjoy the process that I make my confusing mind become clear , it will remind me when I am lazy because each goals will influence the whole plan .

  • 6 Separate big goal to small goal

Big goal is like a dream of life , it is so big for everyone , we may think it is so hard to come true so that we give up on the half ; consequently , smaller goals which are easier to achieve are necessary . I have a big aim for five years , but five years are too long to make plan , so I separate them to ten six-month periods , I always make the plan at the beginning and reflect myself on the end . The happiness and pride I gain when I complete the small goals will not less than achieving the big targets .

  • 7 Find a partner

A person’s journey is always lonely and we may face kinds of difficulties during process of achieving goals , this remind us to find a partner , maybe we have different goals but we can support and encourage each other all the time . When I am lazy or dilatory , I really hope someone can remind me and we can improve together , so it reflect how important a partner is for setting goals .

  • 8 Reward and encourage myself

It is very important because we can not be hard-working all the time , achieving dreams also need relax ourselves . Reward might not be an expensive object , it can be a big meal , a dream trip or a popular movie . After I achieve a small goal , I prefer to have a few day holiday , which I can eat favorite food but have high calories , I can stay at home for the whole day just read a novel on the bed . We need to set a encouragement which we will be full of power just think about it .

  • 9 Have a good start

A good beginning means the half done , setting goals is the start of achieving dream , if we set a good target , we will be more relax on our rest effort process , so we also need a good start for setting goals . My usual habit is to find a piece of clean paper and a clear afternoon , write down all my goals neatly on the paper , sometimes I will copy them again just want to have a good start .

  1. 10 To do it immediately

Do not put off our plan anytime , when we decide to do it tomorrow means we can not finish most of time . Before , I always play my phone first and do my goals second , but now I prefer to do the plan first then have a rest . I believe it will make me feel better during the rest when I set goals at the beginning .

All in all , I have already had my gaol which is become a successful architect and design my own library in the future , I believe if I keep this methods which are very important to me , I will set more successful goals

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